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Just received this email from the poker players alliance. It's now time to act peeps!
THIS IS NOT A TEST -- Call Your Senator Now!
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is attaching the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act to a bill that is expected to be approved by the Congress early this evening.
PLEASE call your Senators today and tell them that they should oppose the Internet gambling bill being part of Port Security legislation. If the Port Security bill passes, with the Internet gambling language included, your ability to enjoy poker online will be at serious risk. Each member of the Poker Players Alliance has two Senators which are listed below. They need to hear from you RIGHT NOW!
Let them know that you care about your rights to play poker. Please Call!!! Tell your Senators to oppose attaching Internet gambling to Port Security!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Ted Stevens AK (202) 224-3004
Lisa Murkowski AK (202) 224-6665
Richard Shelby AL (202) 224-5744
Jeff Sessions AL (202) 224-4124
Mark Pryor AR (202) 224-2353
Blanche Lincoln AR (202) 224-4843
John McCain AZ (202) 224-2235
Jon Kyl AZ (202) 224-4521
Barbara Boxer CA (202) 224-3553
Dianne Feinstein CA (202) 224-3841
Wayne Allard CO (202) 224-5941
Ken Salazar CO (202) 224-5852
Joseph Lieberman CT (202) 224-4041
Christopher Dodd CT (202) 224-2823
Joseph Biden DE (202) 224-5042
Thomas Carper DE (202) 224-2441
Mel Martinez FL (202)224-3041
Bill Nelson FL (202) 224-5274
Johnny Isakson GA (202) 224-3643
Saxby Chambliss GA (202) 224-3521
Daniel Akaka HI (202) 224-6361
Daniel Inouye HI (202) 224-3934
Tom Harkin IA (202) 224-3254
Charles Grassley IA (202) 224-3744
Michael Crapo ID (202) 224-6142
Larry Craig ID (202) 224-2752
Barack Obama IL (202) 224-2854
Richard Durbin IL (202) 224-2152
Richard Lugar IN (202) 224-4814
Evan Bayh IN (202) 224-5623
Pat Roberts KS (202) 224-4774
Sam Brownback KS (202) 224-6521
Mitch McConnell KY (202) 224-2541
Jim Bunning KY (202) 224-4343
David Vitter LA (202) 224-4623
Mary Landrieu LA (202) 224-5824
Edward Kennedy MA (202) 224-4543
John Kerry MA (202) 224-2742
Barbara Mikulski MD (202) 224-4654
Paul Sarbanes MD (202) 224-4524
Olympia Snowe ME (202) 224-5344
Susan Collins ME (202) 224-2523
Carl Levin MI (202) 224-6221
Debbie Stabenow MI (202) 224-4822
Norm Coleman MN (202) 224-5641
Mark Dayton MN (202) 224-3244
Christopher Bond MO (202) 224-5721
James Talent MO (202) 224-6154
Thad Cochran MS (202) 224-5054
Trent Lott MS (202) 224-6253
Conrad Burns MT (202) 224-2644
Max Baucus MT (202) 224-2651
Richard Burr NC (202) 224-3154
Elizabeth Dole NC (202) 224-6342
Kent Conrad ND (202) 224-2043
Byron Dorgan ND (202) 224-2551
Chuck Hagel NE (202) 224-4224
Ben Nelson NE (202) 224-6551
John Sununu NH (202) 224-2841
Judd Gregg NH (202) 224-3324
Robert Menendez NJ (202) 224-4744
Frank Lautenberg NJ (202) 224-3224
Jeff Bingaman NM (202) 224-5521
Pete Domenici NM (202) 224-6621
John Ensign NV (202) 224-6244
Harry Reid NV (202) 224-3542
Charles Schumer NY (202) 224-6542
Hillary Clinton NY (202) 224-4451
George Voinovich OH (202) 224-3353
Mike DeWine OH (202) 224-2315
James Inhofe OK (202) 224-4721
Tom Coburn OK (202) 224-5754
Gordon Smith OR (202) 224-3753
Ron Wyden OR (202) 224-5244
Arlen Specter PA (202) 224-4254
Rick Santorum PA (202) 224-6324
Lincoln Chafee RI (202) 224-2921
Jack Reed RI (202) 224-4642
Jim DeMint SC (202) 224-6121
Lindsey Graham SC (202) 224-5972
Tim Johnson SD (202) 224-5842
John Thune SD (202) 224-2321
Bill Frist TN (202) 224-3344
Lamar Alexander TN (202) 224-4944
Kay Hutchison TX (202) 224-5922
John Cornyn TX (202) 224-2934
Robert Bennett UT (202) 224-5444
Orrin Hatch UT (202) 224-5251
George Allen VA (202) 224-4024
John Warner VA (202) 224-2023
James Jeffords VT (202) 224-5141
Patrick Leahy VT (202) 224-4242
Maria Cantwell WA (202) 224-3441
Patty Murray WA (202) 224-2621
Russell Feingold WI (202) 224-5323
Herb Kohl WI (202) 224-5653
Robert Byrd WV (202) 224-3954
John Rockefeller WV (202) 224-6472
Michael Enzi WY (202) 224-3424
Craig Thomas WY (202) 224-6441
Don't let them take away our freedom of choice!
Senate voting to ban online poker NOW
Posted by
9/29/2006 06:28:00 PM
Labels: poker and politics | Hotlinks: DiggIt!