
BPT - Dreaming in Pokerdotcomvision

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Blogger? Join the Blogger Poker Tour today! Season 2 sends two bloggers to the Aussie Millions!

I think that Poker.com has found yet another way to market their Blogger Poker Tour. Long story short, I was dreaming in "Poker.comvision." For some odd reason, I was running fashionablly late for the big BPT event this weekend. For the season 1 Grand Final, I was running late as well, but not by my own doing. My internet connection blew. It took me quite a while to get to another computer, thanks to the neighbors - but we had difficulty getting the software to install properly (they didn't have their flash player or something updated). We finally got things going, and I stacked a few peeps and went on to win an ipod. With the emergence of this dream, I wonder if Poker.com and I could sell ad space in said dream?

I'm thinking that the trauma of running late for that tourney has me all wound up for this weekend's kickoff of the BPT. I'm not really sure why, other than the fact that I probably would much rather ship out to Aussie for the millions than to Vegas for the WSOP. Anyone interested in ACTIVELY participating in the Blogger Poker Tour may register here.

Speaking of the BPT, I'm going to go through and TRY to get the linkage updated for the Season 2 tour. If we all remember, I tried to go through and link to everyone who was a member of the tour. I also asked for peeps who got to the dance late to contact me, and I'd link em up. Yea, that project started off very well, but then just died off. Oh well, I am hoping to have a better system in place. In fact, here's what I am going to do, among other things.... I'll just simply ask the players at my table what their blog is and verify links then. That will work... Well, it will at least be a start...

Onto CheckRayz news... I'm happy to welcome Mitch to the tour... Yes, that would be Mitch from the monthly games... the same Mitch who had the $ necklace... The same Mitch who chills with the Ninjas... You know, Mitch! So, anyone seeing him at the tables, please be sure to give him a shout out. Don't confuse him with SuperDonk though, as they're two entirely different peeps...

That is all for now. We'll get one update... maybe two over the weekend - most likely regarding the BPT. Otherwise, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled blogging on Monday. I've had a house guest here this week and part of last, so writing and has not been at the top of my to do list.