Today's the big day when takes it's traditional move away from the Eastern Time Zone and goes into what's called time. Perhaps more specifically, it could be argued that since remains in the GMT-5 Time Zone, that it is always time, and the Eastern Time Zone simply leaves time, ousted in favor of the Central Time Zone, who is now GMT-5.
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Not to worry though, us confused Easterners have options... First, you can look at the lobby clock at, which is in fact prominantly located on the top right side of the lobby. Second, you could simply remember that is still GMT-5, and WE made the adjustment.
Third, you can have one of those more elaborate setups, such as found in the old fashioned major news rooms and have the times of major places in the world, such as New York, London, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo, all have their own clocks on the wall.
No matter how you do it, just remember that is still GMT-5, and the Eastern Time Zone is now GMT-4.
Speaking of, CheckRayz are holding a private Free Entry Poker Tournament at on 3/13/07, which is scheduled to start at 9pm Time. The tournament is a free entry poker tournament, however, you do need a password to join the tournament. The password can be found by logging into the CheckRayz website and going to the tournament schedule page, where the CheckRayz Tournament Passwords are all located.
From there, download if you've not yet done so (and of course register). You can click the link on the CheckRayz site to download the poker room. Once you've downloaded, go to the Private Tab in the lobby, then the satellite tab. You'll see the CheckRayz tournament, simply register by joining the tournament and typing the case sensitive password into the box when prompted.
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2007/03/11 moves to it's own timezone again
Posted by
3/11/2007 09:38:00 AM
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